032 - Behrang Mohammadi
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
earworm032 ~ I Have No Idea What I'm Doing ~ 27/04/24 ~
What’s your ideal breakfast?
Not that much of a breakfast-person but Yoghurt and crushed knäckebröd is what I eat mostly for breakfast.
What was the first record (or CD) you ever bought?
Queen – Greatest Hits
What’s your musical 'guilty pleasure'?
Don’t really believe in guilty pleasures, but If anything I guess Persian dance-pop from the 80s and 90s that reminds me of my childhood.
Does your alias have a backstory?
Well, its my name so I guess that’s the backstory haha
What’s the best thing you’ve ever got for free?
I would say education
Do you have a party trick?
Maybe annoying people with talking/bad jokes?
What’s your current rotation of non-dance music?
Bill Evans, Pari Zangeneh, Saint Vitus, Terry Riley
Where's your current favourite place(s) in the world (and why)?
Körner Park in Berlin is nice during summer as well as some places in Rydsgård, Sweden. But it’s not summer now, so I would say our living room in our apartment, it has a nice view.
Any other passions besides music?
I enjoy playing basketball a lot as well as cooking
What’s something you’re proud of about yourself?
My ability to procrastinate
Describe your Earworm mix
Fun (I hope?)
1. Klaus - Sabz
2. Gent1e $oul & Cubemode - Recurve Bow
3. SP:MC ft. Youngsta - Full Circle
4. Small Export I - Top Key
5. Geo Rip - Tooni
6. Joe Lewis - Crazy Wild
7. Mister Bellini - Hum
8. Rhyw - Engine Track
9. Dan Curtin - Paradise Lost
10. Asusu - Serra
11. Dimi Angélis & Jeroen Search - Divisio
12. The Jak - Aftermath
13. Joey Anderson – Head Down Arms Buddha Position
14. Mono Junk - Untitled / The Future Remix
15. KAB - Reconnect
follow Behrang Mohammadi:
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